Dynamic Linking in Linux

Synopsis: This is to breifly introduce how dynamic linking works in Linux

Keywords: Dynamic Linking, ELF

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The Demo: https://github.com/chillancezen/Pandora/tree/master/relocation_table

With relocatable shared library, it's able to reduce massive room for your program as more than one program can
share the library code while maintaining their own data exclusivly. every process has non-fixed address, it means
even multiple processes are using the same library, their addresses in each process address space diff. that's
what virtual addressing is able to do.

the this requires the code and data are relocatable, in other words, the code and data are position independent: they
can be loaded at any place in process space as long as they are loaded in alignment and granted the right permission.
so what's relocatable code?
    In a word, addressing in relocatable code is PC(program-counter)-relativle, the PC in x86_64 is %RIP. Let's give
    an example:
    #cat -n foo.c
     1    int baz = 100;
     3    int
     4    foo(void)
     5    {
     6        return baz;
     7    } 
    compile the code to generate a shared library: libfoo.so
    #gcc -fPIC -shared -o libfoo.so foo.c
    0000000000000655 :
        655:    55                       push   %rbp
        656:    48 89 e5                 mov    %rsp,%rbp
        659:    48 8b 05 78 09 20 00     mov    0x200978(%rip),%rax        # 200fd8 
        660:    8b 00                    mov    (%rax),%eax
        662:    5d                       pop    %rbp
        663:    c3                       retq
    %RIP register is utilized as the base register and an immediate is given as the offset to refer to the
    memory location which stores the address of baz. the native memory location is 0x200978 + 0x659 = 0x200fd8, let's
    explain later what exactly the memory location is.
from the code above, we know no matter where the code and code are loaded, the code can run as expected because it
does not use absolute addressing.

the data the code above refers to actually resides in .got section, when loaded, it has R&W permission.
note in shared library, the symbols which it exports itself are regarded as sort of relocatable symbols which
are going to be patched. so we could say, the .got is an indirection table, which must be patched at runtime.
the diagram below give the view of how the patching goes on:
          .got                   .rela.dyn
        +-------+               +-------+   +-+  .dynsym
        |       |               |       |   |   +----------+
        |       |               |       |   |   |          |
        |       |               |       |   |   |          |
    +-> | +---+ |  patching     |       |   |   +----------+
    |   |       | <---------+   |       | + |
    |   |       |           |   |       |   |
    |   |       |           |   |       |   |
    |   |       |           |   |       |   |   symbols in other
    |   |       |           |   |       |   |   libraries
    |   |       |           |   +-------+   +-+             
    |   |       |           |                                
    |   |       |           |   +                            +
    |   |       |           |   +-------------+--------------+
    |   |       |           |                 |
    +   +-------+           +-----------------+

    mov offset(rip)
              (PC relative addressing)

the .got does not have regular format, so we don't manipulate them directly, instead, we have relocation table which
is stored usually in .rela.dyn. the rela stands for "relocation with addend", the rela entry contains the offset and 
the symbol index, with whatever way, we know the value(address) of the symbol, JUST store the in-memory address of that
symbol to the in-memory location. Let's take an example:
    we are going to patch the variable: baz. the library is loaded to the base address: base(libfoo.so)
    through the .rela.dyn relocation tbale, we get the offset of variable:baz, let's say: offset(baz).
    so we have in-mmeory location of the indirect variable:baz: base(libfoo.so) + offset(baz).
    as of the content to store in that location, it depends on whether the symbol is originated from the local library,
    if YES, the value to store is base(libfoo.so) + valure(symbol), otherwise, the value to stroe is queried from other
    preloaded library.

the code address relocation is a bit different from data address relocation, the code addresses indirection is in
.got.plt and the relocation table for code addresses is in .rela.plt. plt stands for procedure linkage table.
for every remote procedure, we have a stub function which jumps into the indirected procedured in .got.plt.

1. http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man5/elf.5.html