RISC-V Emulation From Scratch - Part I: Dynamic Instruction Translation

Synopsis: This article series tells what's inside my risc-v hypervisor

Keywords: risc-v, virtualzation, dynamic binary translation

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My hypervisor (https://github.com/chillancezen/Zelda.RISCV.Emulator) utilizes dynamic binary translation(DBT) technique to emulate risc-v instructions over
x86_64. the core function is to dynamically translate in-memory risc-v instructions to x86_64 instruction representation.

This is the first time for me to do something with DBT, from the very beginning, efficiency is not my goal, intead, my top priority is to make
it wor. Fortunately, it works just fine after much effort in debug and resolutin eventually.

1) Register Representation
   we have 32 + 1 general purpose registers in risc-v ISA, but we have less regsters in x86_64(R[A-D]X, RSI, RDI, RBP, RSP, R[8-15]). so during translation
   process, we can not simpliy map all risc-v registers to x86_64 registers. As far as I know, some hyperisors like rv8 map mostly-used risc-v registers to 
   x86_64 registers while leaving others in memory.

   In my hypervisor, all registers(32 GPRs plus PC) are in memory, so at anytime a hart that is accessing a GPR is actually accessing in-memory registers shadow.
   there are many control and status registers(CSR) which are also represented as memory profiles except that they are accessing using CSR instructions

2) Translation Process
   our hypervisor doesn't support `C` extension, we only accpet instructions of fixed length, aka, 4 bytes.
   every riscv instruction have its fixed template, we define these template and copy the template to proper position in translation cache. 
   the following diagram shows you are the translation is structured.

             RISC-V                              Translation Cache:
             instructions stream                 (x86_64 Position Independent Code template)

                +--------+                        +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                |  ...   |                        |                                                                                                  |
                |  ...   |                        |    402ed0:   8b 05 1e 00 00 00       mov    0x1e(%rip),%eax        # 402ef4 immediate location.  |
                |00b72023|                        |    402ed6:   8b 15 1c 00 00 00       mov    0x1c(%rip),%edx        # 402ef8 rd index.            |
    +-----------+fff00713|                        |    402edc:   c1 e0 0c                shl    $0xc,%eax                                            |
    |           |84e580e3|                        |    402edf:   c1 e2 02                shl    $0x2,%edx                                            |
    |           |80000cb7|                        |    402ee2:   4c 01 fa                add    %r15,%rdx                                            |
    |           |fffccb93|                        |    402ee5:   89 02                   mov    %eax,(%rdx)                                          |
    |           |837b0ae3|                        |    402ee7:   41 c7 07 00 00 00 00    movl   $0x0,(%r15)                                          |
    |           |001b0b13|                        |    402eee:   41 83 06 04             addl   $0x4,(%r14)                                          |
    | +---------+04090063|                        |    402ef2:   eb 08                   jmp    402efc 	         # PC relative addressing            |
    | |         |03805e63|                        | ++ 402ef4:   cc                      int3                      to next instruction segment...    |
    | | +-------+fffff7b7|                        | |  402ef5:   cc                      int3                      or jump out to VMM(like VMEXIT in VT-x)
    | | | +-----|75c78793|              runtime   | |  402ef6:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | +---+008787b3|              patch  +---->  402ef7:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | |   |  ...   |                        | |  402ef8:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | |   |  ...   |                        | |  402ef9:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | |   +--------+                        | |  402efa:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | |                                     | ++ 402efb:   cc                      int3                                                        |
    | | | | |                                     +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    | | | | |                               +-----+    (instruction segment)                                                                         |
    | | | | |       address mapping         | +---|    (instruction segment)                                                                         |
    | | | | |      +------+   +------+      | | +-+    (instruction segment)                                                                         |
    | | | | |      |      +-->+      +------+ | | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    | | | | +------+ ...  |   |      |        | | |    (unconditional jump to VMM)                                                                   |
    | | | +--------| ...  +-->+      +--------+ | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
    | | +----------| ...  |   |      +----------+
    | +------------| ...  +-->+      |
    +--------------+ ...  |   |      |
                   |      +-->+      |
                   +------+   +------+

   after copying the template, we have to patch some location in translation cache, for example, in LUI instruction, we have two parameters: immediate value and rd
   register. these data are decoded from LUI instruction itself. 

   note that the x86_64 instruction position independent, you can palce them at any locations.
   every two consecutive risc-v instructions have one x86_64 instruction segment next to another so that we continue to run in translation cache as a whole, 
   for examples, consecutive arithmetic instructions are always translated one by one and one next to previous one.

   for unconditional jump or branch or other instructions like fence.i, we terminate the translation process and also place a jumper at the end of instruction
   segment in hope that VMM can determine the jump/branch target later.

   we don make a trace in our translation cache, more specifically, all consecutive arithmetic instructions plus next have-to-terminate instruction make a trace.

   when the translation cahce is full, the translation process flushes the cache, we have 16K translation cache by default. 

3) Run Process
   another process after translation is to run translated code.
   below is the flow diagram of how to run the translated code:

                                                                            | (init)
    +---------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                     | |
    |       +----------------------+            +-------------------------v-v---------------------------+
    |       |                      | <------+   | vmresume:                                             |
    |       | vmm_entry_point:     |        |   |   r15: the address of the hart's registers group      |
    |       |                      | <----+ |   |   r14: the address of the hart's pc register          |
    |       |    1: adjust stack   |      | |   |   r13: the value of the hart's translation cache base |
    |       |    2: do vmexit      |      | |   |   r12: the hartptr.                                   |
    |       |                      |      | |   |                  + + + + +                            |
    |       +----------------------+      | |   |                  | | | | | (jump to translation       |
    |       |                      |      | |   |                  | | | | |  cache)                    |
    |       | vmexit:              |      | |   +------------------v-v-v-v-v----------------------------+
    |       |                      |      | |   |                                                       |
    |       |   1: do translation  |      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
    +-------+   2: do vmresume     |      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
            |                      |      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
            +----------------------+      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
            |                      |      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
            | slow_path            |      | |   |             (instruction segment)                     |
            |                      |      | +------------+ (jump/branch/fence.i ... jump out)           |
            |   1: save r12...15   |      |     |             (instruction segment)                     |
            |   2: do slow_path    | +-----------------------+(instruction segment)                     |
            |   3: restore r12...15| ^----------------------^ (instruction segment)                     |
            |                      |      |     |             (instruction segment)                     |
            +----------------------+      |     |             (instruction segment)                     |
                                          |     |             (instruction segment)                     |
                                          +----------------+ (unconditional jump out)                   |
                                                |                                                       |

    translation process is restarted when the next instruction to execute is not in translation cache.  accorss the run process, there are four x86_64
    registers reserverd for specical use as you can find in the diagram, and each time before we go furthrt into translation cache code, we fill 
    these registers with right values.

    the translation cache code can jump out to vmm in certain cases, to avoid stack exhaustion, we have to update the stack to a fixed value, and then do rest
    of the work: translation the code in need and continue to execute translated code.