RISC-V Emulation From Scratch - Part II: Memory Management Unit

Synopsis: This article gives a brief introduction to how MMU is emulated in my hypervisor

Keywords: mmu, softmmu

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In RISC-V, paging is controlled via csr: Supervisor Address Translation and Protection(SATP), it supports four paging modes: No paging, sv32, sv39 and sv48.
they diff in many ways including virtual address width. in rv32, only sv32 paging mode is supported and it's the mode we have implemented in my hypervisor.

in sv32, the width of virtual address is 32bit, however, the physical address width is 34 bits, this means we can address physical address range [0 - 16GB], if I
am not wrong, in x86, only PXE is enabled, addressing range can be greater than 4GB.

in sv32, there are two kinds of pages, 4K pages and 4M megapages. this is very similar to x86, for 4M pages, there is only one tier of page table while
others have two tiers.

MMU is a necessity in a system which suports virtual memory, mmu consists of translation lookaside buffer (TLB) and pagewalker. 
TLB is a page table shadow which accelerates address translation for recently accessed memory addresses, thus avoiding accessing sparse in-memory page tables
which is very slow. when an entry is not in TLB, page walker is restarted to walk through the whole page table, fill the TLB if found, otherwise raise 
paging exceptions to CPU.

below the structure of TLB.

    Virtual Address
    |   VPN1[10]            ||   VPN0[10]         ||   offset[12]     |

    | TLB                                                                                                       |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  0   |  va_tag   || pa_tag   ||  mask   ||  valid   ||  level1_pte  ||  level2_pte    ||  operation     | |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  1   |  va_tag   || pa_tag   ||  mask   ||  valid   ||  level1_pte  ||  level2_pte    ||  operation     | |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  2   |  va_tag   || pa_tag   ||  mask   ||  valid   ||  level1_pte  ||  level2_pte    ||  operation     | |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |  3   |  va_tag   || pa_tag   ||  mask   ||  valid   ||  level1_pte  ||  level2_pte    ||  operation     | |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |                                             .. ... ... ... ..                                             |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |                                                                                                           |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |   n  |  va_tag   || pa_tag   ||  mask   ||  valid   ||  level1_pte  ||  level2_pte    ||  operation     | |
    |      +--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    |                                                                                                           |

in translation, we first search to see whether there is a legetimate 4M tlb entry, if not found, we continue to search 4K tlb entry.
more specifically, below is the steps to search 4MB entry:
 1)  tlb entry index = VPN1 % n
 2)  test whether mask is for 4MB pages
 3)  if not, give up search and continue to seach 4K entry.
 4)  if VPN1 & mask == va_tag; great, we found the translation entry, compose the physcal address: pa_tag | offset.
 5)  else, we give up.

To search 4K entry:
 1) calculate entry index: VPN0 % n
 2) test whether mask is for 4K pages. 
 3) test va_tag equality : (vpn1-vpn0) & mask == va_tag.
 4) other steps are similar except we will run page walker if we can not find a good entry in tlb.

level1_pte and level2_pte used for manipulating page tables in memory, for example, if a page is accessed, the paging entry in page tables is marked as accessed.
operation is an interface to actually access a memory backing: main memory or io memory.

TLB is not shared among harts, even a hart can have two TLBs, one for instruction: iTLB and one for data: dTLB.