RISC-V Emulation From Scratch - Part III: Privilege Level and Trap handling

Synopsis: This article tells how privilege level and trap are handled in my hypervisor_

Keywords: privilege level, trap, exception, interrupt

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there are three privilege modes in risc-v: user, supervisor and machine. user mode has least privilege and machine mode has most privilege.
A cpu must implements machine mode, and optionally implements user/supervisor mode, user/supervisor can access machine mode resource via SBI by calling ecall.

operation system works in supervisor mode and application works in user mode respectively, my hypervisor_implemented three modes: U/S/M.

cpu traps happens when a synchronous exception or an asynchronous interrrupt event must be delivered to cpu, like traps delivery in x86(_64), IDT is a table
to tell cpu where to jump when it has to, simply jumping to the entry point specified in IDT is not enough, a lot of work is done by cpu, so does risc-v cpu.

by default all traps happen in m-mode, but SSE can delegate certain trap to lower privilege level, for example, a paging fault from supervisor/user is delegated
to supervisor mode. the CSR: mdeleg and ideleg control the delegation behavior.

the steps the hypervisor follows are:
    1).  determine which privilege mode the trap is from and which privilege mode the trap is going to be delivered by querying ideleg and mdeleg csrs, let's
         denote it x.
    2). csr:xepc is written with current pc of running hart.
    3). csr:xcause is written with casue value, see more for the encoding in mannual.
    4). csr:xtval is written with trap value, usually the pc where trap is happening.
    5). csr:xstatus.xpp is written with current privilege mode.
    6). adjust current privilege to x
    7). csr:xstatus.xpie is written with xstatus.xie
    8). csr:xstatus.xie is written with zero.
    9). pc is written with value from csr:xtvec. see more for encoding in mannual.
another critical step is:
    10). flush translation cach, because privilege mode changes and paging may change thus address space changes.

returning from trap is done via privileged instructions: sret or mret.
the hypervisor does opposite work, for example, pc is written with xepc. all it does is to recover the cpu to the previous state before the trap happens.